Conclave of the Craft

The Conclave of the Craft is a Traditional, Initiatory, Wiccan church. Our vows are to serve the Gods, preserve the Craft, and support our community. We feel that the best way to do this is to focus our resources on teaching, supporting our existing membership, and forming partnerships with other Pagan groups near us. The Conclave is a church composed of many working groups who are related through initiatory ties or theological similarity. The majority of our new congregants find us through our Seekers Classes, through web contact, our appearances at local events, and by word of mouth.

The Conclave of the Craft comes together once a year at Litha to celebrate the height of Summer together and to conduct business at its annual meeting. This event is held at our sister organization, Oak Spirit Sanctuary, and attendance is open to all people of good will who enter the circle in perfect love and perfect trust. The remaining Sabbats at each quarter and cross-quarter of the year and the Esbats at each full and dark moon are celebrated by Conclave working groups. Because of the private and Mystery-oriented nature of this work, these celebrations are open only to those individuals who have established a working relationship, such as study or dedicancy, with the working group. For more information about how to begin this process, please reach out to us.

We also support other Pagan churches and organizations to present classes, conduct rituals, and provide clergy services such as handfastings and crossing-overs. We are available to the public through our contact page.

May the Gods preserve the Craft!